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How to add Contact Tags and use Automation to Auto Apply Workflows for specific tags.
How to add Contact Tags and use Automation to Auto Apply Workflows for specific tags.

Add Contact tags to help you better organize your contacts, and auto enable a workflow triggered by a specific tag.

Erin Erdos avatar
Written by Erin Erdos
Updated over a week ago


Contact tags help you better organize your contacts, and use automation logic to auto-apply Workflows all based on a specific contact tag!

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Add tags to your Contacts

When you are viewing your contact profile, look to the right of your screen for the Contact Tags section.

Click Edit, and start typing to create a new Contact tag, and then click Create New Tag.

Use Contact tags to auto and bulk-apply Workflows

When setting up a Workflow, you can get even smarter with auto and bulk apply logic using tags. If you haven't used Workflows before, we recommend checking out that article first!

Open a Trip Workflow, and scroll down to the auto-apply section

You'll see a new trigger type for when a tag is applied to a contact

Next, select which tag you'd like to use and enable auto-apply

If you'd like to add this workflow to all contacts, or contacts with a specific tag, 'bulk apply' below

Select the tag you'd like to bulk apply the Workflow to, and select 'bulk apply' to add it!

Remember to Save and Close in the top right of your screen, and you're all done!

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