Sometimes, you may need to log a booking in Tern to share details with your agency without going through the full itinerary process with a client. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you quickly and efficiently create a booking.
Step 1: Create a New Trip
Log into your Tern account and navigate to the Trips section
Click on Create New Trip and provide a name for your trip
Select Trip Type as "Regular"
Change the Status to “Booked” Alternatively, customize the status to something like “Imported Booking” if you prefer to indicate that this trip is specifically for only booking information
Enter the trip dates and click Create Trip
Step 2: Add Traveler Information
Under the Traveler section, click Add New Contact
Input the traveler’s details
You can skip non-essential fields like email or phone number unless needed for your records
Step 3: Add the Booking Details
Navigate to the Itinerary tab of your trip
Add a new activity, such as a Custom Cruise or any other booking type
Fill in the key details for a booking:
Start and End Dates for the activity
Proceed to the Booking & Pricing section and input the following:
Total price
Booking status (mark as "Paid" if applicable, but this is optional).
Supplier Name
Expected Commission and any applicable splits
Expected Commission Date
If you have a confirmation number or other booking-specific details, you can add them in this section.
Step 4: Finalize the Booking
Mark the activity as Booked to share it with your agency
Review the booking details to ensure accuracy