Agency reporting provides dashboards to:
Understand your total sales volume - bookings & gross sales
Review received commission - total, and income for your agency
Project expected commission - total, and for your agency
Each view also includes breakdowns by supplier, and by agent, to help you further understand and optimize your business.
This article focuses on reporting for Agency Admins.
If you're an advisor looking to report on sales and commission outside of an agency, start here: Advisors: Reporting Dashboard
If you're an agent whose agency uses Tern, looking to understand your own reporting data, start here: Agents: Reporting Dashboard
Get started
Make sure your agents mark activities as 'booked' in Tern
All reports will work off activities your agents book in Tern. So before jumping in to reporting, I recommend familiarizing yourself with -
Agency team management - walks through how to invite and manage your team
Agency commission reconciliation - shows how agents can mark activities as 'booked', and share them with their agency
We also support historical data import of historical trip data.
To access reporting, select that option from your top nav
Sales report
The sales dashboard shows you bookings & gross sales across your agency
Bookings: any activity marked as "booked" and shared by your agents
Gross sales: the total cost of all activities marked as "booked" and shared by your agents
Bookings and sales are attributed to the month they are marked as "booked".
Supplier breakdown
This table shows the number of total bookings and gross sales, broken down by the "booking supplier" your agent has added to their activities.
Agent breakdown
This table shows the number of total bookings and gross sales, broken down by the agent who owns the activity.
Supported filters
You can also filter down reports by booking date, supplier, and agent - which will narrow down your entire dashboard to your search results.
Booking date: the date set by your agent when they booked each activity
Supplier: the booking supplier from the activity
Agent: the agent who owns the activity
Received commission report
The received commission dashboard shows commission you have received from suppliers
As an agency admin, you enter in supplier commission payments as you receive them. To learn more about how to do that, I recommend checking out our commission reconciliation article.
Total received: the total commission amount you have logged from suppliers
Agency income: your agency's portion of the total commission amount. As you log supplier payments, you determine the agent's split for that commission. Your agency income is the percentage you take from each payment.
Commission earnings are attributed to the month they are marked as "received".
Supplier breakdown
This table shows the total commission and agency income per supplier.
Agent breakdown
This table shows the total commission and agency income per agent.
Supported filters
You can also filter down reports by commission received date, supplier, and agent - which will narrow down your entire dashboard to your search results.
Expected commission report
The expected commission dashboard shows projected commission from your agents
As your agents book activities in Tern, they will also fill out the 'expected commission date' and 'amount' for each activity. To learn more about how they do that, I recommend checking out our commission reconciliation article.
Total expected: the total commission amount your agent adds to each booked activity
Expected agency income: your agency's portion of the total commission amount. You set each agent's default commission percentage, and can customize it per activity. Your agency income is the percentage you take from each payment.
Expected commission projections are attributed to the month your agent inputs as the "expected commission date".
Suppliers breakdown
This table shows the expected commission and agency income per supplier.
Agents breakdown
This table shows the expected commission and agency income per agent.
Supported filters
You can also filter down reports by expected commission date, supplier, and agent - which will narrow down your entire dashboard to your search results.
I'm seeing a drop-down with multiple options to choose from on my Reporting Dashboard all of a sudden - what does that mean?
If you're noticing this as an agency admin, you may have marked some activities as 'booked' before you set up your agency in Tern. Reporting data for these activities shows up under 'My Independent Bookings'. To learn more about reporting for advisors, check out this article.