You can purchase agency seats for your agents and get up to 50% off each seat by purchasing at a volume-discounted rate. If you don't purchase seats for your agents, they will pay full price for their own subscriptions.
Full price Tern pricing is as follows:
Monthly - $49 per month
Annually - $420 per year
Agency seat pricing:
0-2 seats - $39 per seat per month, $35 per seat per month per quarter, $32 per seat per month per year
3-24 seats - $33 per seat per month, $28 per seat per month per quarter, $25 per seat per month per year
25-99 seats - $31 per seat per month, $27 per seat per month per quarter, $23 per seat per month per year
100-499 seats - $29 per seat per month, $25 per seat per month per quarter, $22 per seat per month per year
You can view agency seat pricing based on the amount of seats you would like to purchase in your Tern Settings. Go to Settings > Team > and click Purchase seats.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at [email protected]