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An Introduction to Tasks in Tern
An Introduction to Tasks in Tern

In this article we'll cover how to use tasks, task templates, and relative due dates in Tern

Molly Johnson avatar
Written by Molly Johnson
Updated over 3 months ago


This article covers task creation, management, and some brand new updates to support Task Templates and Relative Task Due dates.

We'll start with task creation & management, but feel free to jump ahead to Task Templates or Relative Due Dates.

Task Creation & Management

1. Click on the Tasks tab

In this example we'll create a task for a specific trip, but you can also access Tasks from Contacts or from your Global Nav.

2. Create a new task

Since this is a new trip, we don't have any tasks associated with it yet. We can create a new task by clicking the "Add Task" button.

3. Give your task a name & description

4. Assign your task

This lets you track who is responsible for completing this task.

5. Select a due date, and notice auto-tagging

Tern automatically categorizes tasks into "Overdue", "Due Today", "Due Soon" and "Due Later" based on the due date. You can use these to filter in the tasks overview page.

6. Don't forget to toggle off 'Email Notification' if you don't want a due date reminder

Email reminders will be sent automatically the day before your task is due

7. You can filter tasks using the filter button

You can search for tasks using the search bar or filter by clicking 'Filter.' The filter menu will appear on the right side of the screen.

Task Templates

Task Templates allow you to create a Task in your library, and easily use it later

1. To create a Task Template, go to your library and select 'Tasks'

2. Create a new Task Template

3. Fill out the details as you would normally

4. You'll notice you can't choose specific travelers, because you haven't added this task to a trip yet

5. To apply a template, select 'Add Task Template' from Trip Tasks or Contact Tasks

6. Select your template

7. A new task will be created from your template

Make sure to review the details to see if you need to customize anything for that particular trip or contact

Tip: you can also save an existing task as a template.

Use the action menu for any task you've already created and select 'Save as Task Template'. Note that if you've added related trips or contacts or assigned travelers to your task, that information will be cleared out in the template itself.

Relative Due Dates

1. When creating a Task or Task Template, you'll notice a new 'due date' option to select Relative Dates.

2. You can set due dates relative to trip start/end dates, or relative to when your task is created

Important note: "After Task Creation" will only show up if you create a Task Template - not when you create a task from a specific trip or contact.

3. You can set due dates relative to trip start/end dates, or relative to when your task is created

Important note: if you have multiple itineraries 'pending' with conflicting dates, or your trip does not have trip dates set, we won't be able to calculate a due date.

You can still create this task - the due date will be set once a single itinerary is 'approved' or trip dates are set.

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