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Trip Versioning on Itineraries
Trip Versioning on Itineraries

With trip versioning you can continue to work on the original itinerary without publishing those changes to a client until you're ready.

Katie Williams avatar
Written by Katie Williams
Updated over a week ago

Trip Versioning on Itineraries

Trip versioning now allows you to be making updates on the trip in Tern without those updates publishing in real time to clients until you're ready. As you continue to work on the original itinerary, the changes you've added since you sent the last version of the itinerary, are not seen by the traveler until you share the itinerary again. The traveler will then always be redirected to the most recently shared itinerary.




1. Select a trip and then select 'share itinerary'

Click on trip you're actively working on and select 'Share Itinerary'

2. Before you click 'send, note the new language that now pops up in purple

It reads: "When sharing an itinerary with your clients they will see the trip as it exists at this point in time. Clients will not see future changes you make to he trip until you share the itinerary again."

Before you click "Send," note the new language that pops up in purple that reads: "When sharing an itinerary with your clients they will see the trip as it exists at this point in time. Clients will not see future changes you make to he trip until you share the itinerary again."

This language is indicating that you are now sharing the most up-to-date version of this itinerary and that your client won't see future changes until you send them the latest itinerary.

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